Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Seyfried-Thomas-Cancer-as:
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease , 25% of the book profits will be automatically donated to Dr. Seyfried's research, as seen on ketoforcancer net. ! This book is a collection of transcripts, and is NOT representative of Dr. Seyfried's original scientific book ! It is rather an overview of Dr. Thomas Seyfrieds opinions on cancer, expressed throught Youtube video transcripts, regarding that Cancer is a metabolic disease. It comprises 1) Transcripts of his talks and interviews that summarize all his most important points, as well as 2) A Presentation by his collegue Dr. Dominic D'Agostiono about the "Press Pulse Strategy" an 3) A thriller-like keto origin story by Travis Christofferson and Robb Wolff As this is the extended version for students, doctors and interested citizens, meaning there are 2 more interviews: 4. An interview with Dr. Anthony Chaffee, in which especially the health care system in the US is focused on. 5. An in-depth interview with Dr. Petter Attia, that talks especially about the biochemistry and the scientific possibilities regarding this metabolic treatment option. Everything is illustrated with easy to understand images and graphs, as well as the scientific references. Here the description of his work as a professor: Dr. Thomas Seyfried's work in the field of cancer challenges conventional beliefs and addresses the controversial origins of cancer. His research offers innovative solutions for both the management and prevention of cancer, building upon Otto Warburg's theory that cancer fundamentally stems from disruptions in energy metabolism. While Warburg's theory lacked a direct connection to the recognized "hallmarks of cancer," which led to its discredit, Seyfried's work seeks to rectify this by presenting case studies as compelling evidence that cancer is primarily a metabolic disease. He argues that metabolic approaches are key to effectively managing and preventing cancer. Seyfried's position finds support in a critical evaluation of existing cancer theories. He underscores the relevance of brain cancer case studies, which serve as a proof of principle for metabolic-based strategies in disease management. Importantly, he also highlights the potential applicability of these metabolic solutions to other types of cancer, such as breast and colon cancer, given the shared cellular mutations in energy metabolism that these cancers exhibit. , Zeitschriften > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 24.18 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Meister der komischen Kunst: Seyfried , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften , Erscheinungsjahr: 20140409, Produktform: Leinen, Autoren: Seyfried, Gerhard, Redaktion: Fahrenberg, WP, Seitenzahl/Blattzahl: 112, Fachschema: Comic, Warengruppe: HC/Belletristik/Humor/Cartoons/Comics, Fachkategorie: Humor, Thema: Lachen, Text Sprache: ger, UNSPSC: 49019900, Warenverzeichnis für die Außenhandelsstatistik: 49019900, Verlag: Kunstmann Antje GmbH, Verlag: Kunstmann Antje GmbH, Verlag: Kunstmann, A, Länge: 236, Breite: 179, Höhe: 15, Gewicht: 426, Produktform: Gebunden, Genre: Belletristik, Genre: Belletristik, Katalog: Lagerartikel, Book on Demand, ausgew. Medienartikel, Relevanz: 0004, Tendenz: -1, Unterkatalog: AK, Unterkatalog: Bücher, Unterkatalog: Hardcover, Unterkatalog: Lagerartikel,
Preis: 16.00 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Journeys Into Testicular Cancer , In 'Journeys into Testicular Cancer: Research, Treatments, and Survivorship', the latest scientific advancements and personal experiences unite to provide a comprehensive overview of testicular cancer. This anthology of journal articles explores various facets of testicular cancer, from cutting-edge treatment strategies like targeting cancer stem cells with differentiation agents to the economic implications of follow-up costs in Germany. Readers will discover the nuanced impacts of chemotherapy on fertility in prepubertal boys and the genetic and biomarker approaches that herald the era of personalized medicine. Treatments are seen not only through their clinical efficacy but also in their psychosocial effects, such as cognitive impairments in long-term survivors and emotional adjustments with testicular prostheses. Additionally, articles delve into the complexities of diagnosing and managing rare occurrences like metachronous testicular cancer and the diagnostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratios. Aimed at clinicians, researchers, and policymakers, this collection does more than recount progress; it weaves a narrative of persistent human resilience and scientific curiosity in the fight against testicular cancer. Quality Research Publishing is dedicated to making knowledge more accessible to the general public by curating a topical compilation of the latest research on various subjects and providing plain language summaries. Each of the articles in this book is available individually and digitally without cost. However, we believe it is important for the contextualizing and sharing of educational and scientific work to curate this research in a way that is understandable and helpful to the average person seeking deeper knowledge of a particular subject. The research articles compiled for this book were published under a permissive Creative Commons license, are in the public domain, or have no copyright restrictions, permitting their use in this book. If you have questions about the licensing of any article, please visit , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 55.33 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Journeys Into Testicular Cancer , In 'Journeys into Testicular Cancer: Research, Treatments, and Survivorship', the latest scientific advancements and personal experiences unite to provide a comprehensive overview of testicular cancer. This anthology of journal articles explores various facets of testicular cancer, from cutting-edge treatment strategies like targeting cancer stem cells with differentiation agents to the economic implications of follow-up costs in Germany. Readers will discover the nuanced impacts of chemotherapy on fertility in prepubertal boys and the genetic and biomarker approaches that herald the era of personalized medicine. Treatments are seen not only through their clinical efficacy but also in their psychosocial effects, such as cognitive impairments in long-term survivors and emotional adjustments with testicular prostheses. Additionally, articles delve into the complexities of diagnosing and managing rare occurrences like metachronous testicular cancer and the diagnostic value of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratios. Aimed at clinicians, researchers, and policymakers, this collection does more than recount progress; it weaves a narrative of persistent human resilience and scientific curiosity in the fight against testicular cancer. Quality Research Publishing is dedicated to making knowledge more accessible to the general public by curating a topical compilation of the latest research on various subjects and providing plain language summaries. Each of the articles in this book is available individually and digitally without cost. However, we believe it is important for the contextualizing and sharing of educational and scientific work to curate this research in a way that is understandable and helpful to the average person seeking deeper knowledge of a particular subject. The research articles compiled for this book were published under a permissive Creative Commons license, are in the public domain, or have no copyright restrictions, permitting their use in this book. If you have questions about the licensing of any article, please visit , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 62.17 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Darkest Sunlight , **Eine Begegnung, die alte Wunden aufreißt. Eine zweite Chance, die sie heilen lässt.** Seit ihrer Kindheit sind Mona und die Nachbarsbrüder Ben und Lennart unzertrennlich. Doch kurz vor dem Start des Studiums, das sie mit Ben an der elitären Hohenfels-Universität beginnen wollte, stirbt dieser bei einem Autounfall. Von Trauer überwältigt flieht Mona aus München, ohne sich von Lennart zu verabschieden oder an der Beerdigung teilzunehmen. Als sie ein Jahr später zurückkommt und das Studium antritt, ist ausgerechnet Lennart ihr neuer Dozent. Er hat ihr nicht verziehen und möchte sich von ihr fernhalten - aber vergeblich. Denn zwischen Wortgefechten und Streitereien kommen verdrängte Gefühle von damals wieder zum Vorschein - und plötzlich stehen sie vor einem Rätsel, das sogar für die zwei Wissenschaftler eine Nummer zu groß ist. Lass dich von Mona & Lennart in einen Strudel der Gefühle mitreißen! //»Darkest Sunlight« ist ein in sich abgeschlossener Einzelband.// , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften
Preis: 12.99 € | Versand*: 0 €
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